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Pre-Production Meeting Summary


 1.     The day and time of your pre-production meeting:

Data: Feb 16th, 2021

Time: 17:00-20:30

2.     A list of each group member (including yourself) and their roles and responsibilities (see examples below)

  • Ruihan Wang

- Speaks in segments 1 and 2

- Creates microsite account at Wix and shares with group (microsite editor)


  • Jialin Mei

-  Host of the podcast, speaks in every segment

       - Determine everyone's participation in podcast and the progress of the process.


  • Cuiwen Zhou

       - Speaks in segment 1, 2 and 3

       - Coordinate the content involved in each segment


  • Kexin Zhang

       - Speaks in segment 1, 2 and 3

       - Edit the podcast that our group recorded by zoom, and insert the appropriate music, video and pictures


  • Baiyu Wang

      - Speaks in segment 1, 2 and 3

      - Plan the podcast time and ensure everyone's progress.

Collects sources from all group members and makes a full list of References to be included on microsite.


3.     Summary of what your group talked about for each of the three areas above (roles/responsibilities, technical aspects, content/structure)

-       Roles/Responsibilities:

We assign each person's role in podcast, and further discuss the views we want to discuss in our three segments, as well as the possible films and literatures. Each of us will submit some pictures related to what we have discussed and publish them on the discussion board to facilitate the further production of the microsite editor.


-       Technical Aspects:

Our group decided to meets on Zoom at the same time and recording the meeting as podcast.


-       Content/ Structure:

Title: Disney Films & Gender Social Norms

Our podcast will start and end with two 30 second pieces of music, and Kexin Zhang will help us find them. For each segment, we plan to take 8 minutes. Jialin Mei, Cuiwen Zhou and Baiyu Wang will be responsible for the segments in turn.

4. A to-do list of things you need to do to get ready for recording

Before I get ready for recoding, I will prepare scripts for each segment and give many examples that may be useful. Capturing some video clips or photos of the movie to facilitate the editor's final editing. And made reference for sources we used in our podcast.


5. Identify the day and time for when your group will be recording the podcast (if all together on Zoom) or the deadline for sending individual files to the podcast editor.

- We set the meeting time around Wednesday so that the podcast editor has enough time to edit and tell our team members whether there are changes and the need to re-record.

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